Freedom of Information Act

Madam, - Now that our Government Ministers have returned from Cheltenham and abroad, I wish as a citizen of this State to voice…

Madam, - Now that our Government Ministers have returned from Cheltenham and abroad, I wish as a citizen of this State to voice my disapproval and utter horror at the Freedom of Information Amendment Bill.

I want them to hear me loud and clear. I want thorough and proper consultation with all interested parties to take place before any changes take place.

There is absolutely nothing to be gained from this Bill except a return to a dark, secret era. We know that open government is good government. This Act has helped State boards and bodies to operate in a new spirit of openness, transparency and accountability which needs to continue and grow.

This Act has helped many people, not just journalists, to gain access to information without being subjected to restrictive practices and without being charged money for this absolute right.


We have learned for example: the true cost of the Bertie Bowl; how a £4 shelf company got the swimming pool contract at Abbotstown; how tax breaks were created for a handful of private hospital operators; what bodies get charitable status for tax; and that only 3 per cent of teachers are inspected each year.

As a public health nurse who, like all my dedicated colleagues, work in many instances with the marginalised groups of our society and know of the urgent need which exists for very necessary massive future resources, I wish always to know how my Government conducts its business and how it decides to spend taxpayers' money. - Yours, etc.,


Orwell Road,


Dublin 6.