Forming a government

Sir, – Why are we still suffering under the oppression of a scorpion-like system of democracy and government where any established or emerging political party that engages seriously in coalition is now seen as doomed almost to extinction?

It puzzles me as to why there is not universal recognition that if there was ever a time for a national government, regardless of the political consequences, it is now. In a situation where the Greens have almost as much senior ministerial experience to offer as Fianna Fáil, and Fine Gael can add a few ministers with a creditable recent record, why is political survival such an issue when there is not only a chance of concerted success but also an opportunity to gain unparalleled experience in difficult conditions?

Whatever the merits of the alternatives and their mandates, this is not a time for enthusiastic experimentation and long learning curves (we don’t have to look far to see that).

And even if we were not faced with the present difficulties, it might be better to let the two participating “legacy parties” navigate their way through government during the remainder of the “Decade of Commemorations”, each serving as a check on the other in preventing undue triumphalism. With physical and political health restored, let the nation map out a more enlightened starting point for politics in a new century of its history. – Yours, etc,



Shannon Harbour,

Co Offaly.

A chara, – Like the Green Party, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have members in Northern Ireland. I presume they are not precluded from voting for or against the proposed programme for government. – Is mise,


Dublin 24.

Sir, – A question for the members of the Green Party. If not now, when? – Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.

Sir, – At the last election I voted for the Greens because action on the environment has become a global imperative. If the Green Party now decides to squander the opportunity to make a real difference on Irish environmental issues, then I will consider any support for that party in a future election as a wasted vote. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6W.