A chara, - Last October Ms Gabrielle Williams referred to the fashionable fashion design duo, Clements Ribeiro, in the singular…

A chara, - Last October Ms Gabrielle Williams referred to the fashionable fashion design duo, Clements Ribeiro, in the singular masculine person. Since then, they have won the New Generation title at the British Fashion Awards, received considerable coverage in fashion press, women's magazines and international newspapers and launched a collection for Dorothy Perkins. Ms Williams continues to refer to them as one person, and repeats this major fashion faux pas in today's review (December 3rd).

The Irish Times is always held as an authority on fashion. You have contributors and staff who area ultra knowledgeable on the subject and report it with enormous enthusiasm. In my previous incarnation as a PR slave at London Fashion Week, I always remember the respect that, The Irish Times received on an international front - probably the only Irish publication the designers and fashion industry cared about. Don't let your standards slip to the mediocrity of a regional rag. - Yours, etc.,


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