Eulogies At Catholic Funerals

Sir, - On April 5th you kindly published a letter in which I mentioned various Catholic dioceses where a eulogy at the funeral…

Sir, - On April 5th you kindly published a letter in which I mentioned various Catholic dioceses where a eulogy at the funeral Mass was banned or discouraged by the bishop. I included the Diocese of Clonfert, among others, having heard the diocese mentioned in a radio programme. I now accept that this statement is not correct in that the Ordinary has not banned eulogies and, furthermore, has made no comment on the practice.

I am only too happy to apologise for the error, and am delighted to hear that, at least somewhere, a good and kind word (eulogy) may still be said publicly of the dead. - Yours, etc., Michael j. McCann,

Celbridge, Co Kildare.