Sir. The decision made last week by the new Government to absorb the Department of Equality and Law Reform into the Department…

Sir. The decision made last week by the new Government to absorb the Department of Equality and Law Reform into the Department of Justice may be seen in future years as marking a black day for law reform, and an even blacker day for the equality agenda.

The original decision to establish the Department of Equality and Law Reform was taken because the culture within the Department of Justice was seen as stifling all real attempts at law reform; and because there was a strong political movement to have equality issues brought centre-stage; Indeed, the record of the Department of Equality and Law Reform over the past five years shows what can be achieved when the political will is present.

However, given that the first priority of the new Minister for Justice is the introduction of "zero tolerance" policies, I am afraid that genuine, progressive law reform will now be forced to take a back seat. - Yours, etc..

Reid Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology,


Trinity College,

Dublin 2.