Encyclical on the Eucharist

Madam, - I write to comment on Breda O'Brien's column of April 26th about the Papal Encyclical on the Eucharist

Madam, - I write to comment on Breda O'Brien's column of April 26th about the Papal Encyclical on the Eucharist. There are some of us who have had a similar experience as described - i.e. a love affair with Christ - and it is comforting to hear the Holy Father affirm it. The experience is available to all, but some have not the time or inclination to explore it. However, it is enormously comforting in a world gone mad to experience the love of someone who truly loves us, not for any gain or greed but unconditionally.

How often can we say that about those with whom we become involved, briefly, disappointingly or even in long-lasting relationships? With Christ, we can have a lasting, forgiving, blameless, non-accusatory, truly loving relationship. What more glorious gift can we hope for?

St John of the Cross wrote poetry about a love affair with Christ which at first reading appears too fantastic but with understanding gains clarity. - Yours, etc.,




Cross Avenue,


Co Dublin