Electoral Apathy

Sir, - I agree with Terry Prone's position on compulsory voting (Opinion, December 28th)

Sir, - I agree with Terry Prone's position on compulsory voting (Opinion, December 28th). Voting is to democracy what tax collection is to the Exchequer. Freedom is as much a duty as a right.

I would, however, add one thing. If people are forced to vote, they must be allowed to put a tick in a "none of the above" box. The big problem with the current system is that the only way to register dissatisfaction with all the major parties is not to vote.

It would be a real kick in the rear end to the political establishment if a significant number of people took this option, as I believe they would if they were given the choice. Under such circumstances, the major parties would have to change in a real manner and the vote, our citizens' best weapon against bad government and the current cartel of opinion, would actually mean something. - Yours, etc.,

Emmet Moorehouse, Shandong, China.