Election posters

Madam, - I was driving into work, admiring this year's bumper crop of election posters, when I noted a growing trend - or, rather…

Madam, - I was driving into work, admiring this year's bumper crop of election posters, when I noted a growing trend - or, rather, a shrinking trend - among Fianna Fáil posters. Is it possible for Fianna Fáil candidates to make their party logo any smaller? My favourite is from one of the party's candidates in Dundrum, who has managed to make the party logo, on a full-sized lamp-post poster, slightly larger than a postage stamp.

Surely they're not ashamed to be Fianna Fáil candidates? - Yours, etc.,

JASON O'MAHONY, Coppinger Glade, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.