Dunsink Observatory

Sir, - Frank McDonald's excellent article on Dunsink Observatory (The Irish Times, August 10th) is a timely reminder of the loving…

Sir, - Frank McDonald's excellent article on Dunsink Observatory (The Irish Times, August 10th) is a timely reminder of the loving care lavished by the late Prof Patrick A. Wayman and others on Dunsink Observatory over the years. Patrick also wrote the history and Mr Jerry Daly made an invaluable hands-on contribution to the renovation of the south observatory telescope in 1988.

The robbery of the Brinkley Circle was a great blow to Patrick, particularly as the vandals responsible probably melted it down for less than they could have got if they had responded to the reward for its return.

Another blow during Patrick's watch was the disastrous Meridian Room fire. He laboured long and hard to restore it. Not only did he restore it, he enhanced it. It could fittingly be renamed after him.

A feature of the restoration throughout was the care and co-operation of the OPW. Unsung, but there for all to see, is the marvellous transforming restoration work which the OPW has carried out throughout the country. Great credit is due. - Yours, etc.,


J.P. Duggan, (Registrar DIAS 197789), Cedarmount Road, Mount Merrion.