Drugs Courts Scheme

Sir, - The recent announcement by the Minister for Justice supporting the introduction of a pilot drugs courts scheme is most…

Sir, - The recent announcement by the Minister for Justice supporting the introduction of a pilot drugs courts scheme is most welcome. The proposed scheme could represent a sorely needed change in the approach of our criminal justice system, a move away from retribution to rehabilitation of offenders. The aim of these courts is to offer young offenders a chance of treatment and support to help them change their lives, in order to break the cycle of drug-related crime and establish a place for them in society.

The concept of the drugs courts is also supported by Mr Justice Robert Barr, High Court judge. Writing in the current issue of the Irish Criminal Law Journal, he highlights the positive experience of the American drugs court system, which has achieved success rates in excess of 75 per cent with young offenders and a consequent reduction in drug-related crime. He also explains the need for the establishment of residential centres which would work in tandem with the drugs courts, by providing treatment and support to the most disadvantaged and marginalised offenders.

Judge Barr's article and the Minister's recent announcement mark an important recognition of the potential effectiveness of rehabilitative measures in the prevention of re-offending, particularly among juveniles. The proposed drugs courts are urgently needed. However, we also urgently need the provision of in-house treatment facilities and ongoing support structures for the most seriously marginalised young offenders in our society. - Yours, etc., Ivana Bacik,

Law School, Trinity College, Dublin 1.