Drug test urged after Ryan inquest

Madam, – In light of the recent (unsurprising) results of the inquest into Gerry Ryan’s cocaine- induced death, as a long-suffering…

Madam, – In light of the recent (unsurprising) results of the inquest into Gerry Ryan’s cocaine- induced death, as a long-suffering taxpayer, I now call upon RTÉ to introduce mandatory random drug testing for their staff, in particular the current batch of high- earning superstars.

The blood boils at the thought of such cossetted geniuses being remunerated to the tune of over half a million euro per annum out of taxpayers’ funds, in some cases earning twice the salary of Barack Obama, only for us to learn how it is blown on class A drugs, the scourge of our beleaguered society.

If RTÉ proves unwilling to introduce such a procedure, mandatory testing should be enforced by the Government against its will. The realisation that the taxes on my meagre, hard-earned income are propping up such lifestyles sickens me to the core. – Yours, etc,



Swords, Co Dublin.