Domestic violence

Madam, - I refer to the review of the Prime Time programme on domestic violence which appeared in your Health Supplement of May…

Madam, - I refer to the review of the Prime Time programme on domestic violence which appeared in your Health Supplement of May 24th.

As a contributor to the programme I would like to point out that the 10- to 14-week delay to which I referred relates to an application for a barring order or safety order being dealt with by the court, and not a protection order, as stated in the article.

The penultimate paragraph of the review asks if we were still "stuck in a shock and horror response" to domestic violence. Until such times as the culture of tolerance of domestic violence is broken and it is seen and treated for what it is, which is criminal behaviour, then it would appear that the only public response to it is one of occasional shock. - Yours, etc,

URSULA REGAN, Blackrock, Co Dublin.