Does homeopathy hold water?

Madam, - It is not true that all scientific studies of homeopathy have shown that homeopathic cures are no better than a placebo…

Madam, - It is not true that all scientific studies of homeopathy have shown that homeopathic cures are no better than a placebo (Nick Hilliard, October 19th). Positive effects have been measured in several studies. The problem for medical science is that, to paraphrase Lord Denning, the acceptance of homeopathy opens up a vista too appalling for some to contemplate.

The most profound theoretician of homeopathy, Rudolf Steiner, postulates the existence of forces in nature other than those currently recognised by science.

He believed it was essential to consider the spiritual world in order to understand the physical world. He did not accept the conventional boundaries between the physical and the spiritual.

Personally, I keep an open mind about homeopathy, but why is it that those sceptical about homeopathy are so reticent about criticising conventional drugs? Nobody ever got killed by homeopathic medicine. - Yours, etc.,


KEVIN MANNERINGS, Bern, Switzerland.