Divided views on Cyprus

Sir, – The letter from Oya Tuncalý (February 15th) presents the views of an illegal entity.

Sir, – The letter from Oya Tuncalý (February 15th) presents the views of an illegal entity.

In order to set the record straight, I would like to cite below the facts regarding the Cyprus problem: In July 1974, using the coup instigated by the Greek junta against President Makarios as a pretext, Turkey invaded Cyprus, killing thousands and expelling 200,000 civilians from their homes. The invasion, and ongoing occupation of 36.2 per cent of the territory of Cyprus, has been condemned by the international community, including the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations. Thirty-eight years on, Turkey blatantly continues to disregard international legality and uses its 40,000-strong occupation force to enforce its will on Cyprus and its people.

According to the internationally recognised census of 1973, 80 per cent of the population of Cyprus are Greek Cypriots and 18 per cent are Turkish Cypriots. Since its invasion in 1974, Turkey systematically commits an international crime in Cyprus by illegally implanting settlers from its mainland. More than 200,000 illegal settlers (attested by UN and CoE documents), outnumber today the original Turkish Cypriots.

It was the Annan Plan for the settlement of the Cyprus problem that provided for its submission to simultaneous referendums, aimed at allowing the people of Cyprus to freely express their views. The Greek Cypriots voted, not against the solution, but against the specific plan, as it did not guarantee the avoidance of future unilateral invasions, did not safeguard full respect for human rights and allowed the incorporation of illegal settlers into the population of the future federal state. Did anyone in Ireland feel the need to apologise for voting one way or another, during the numerous referendums organised in recent years?


UN Security Council Resolution 541, 18.11.1983: “1 Deplores the declaration of the Turkish Cypriot Authorities of the purported secession of part of the Republic of Cyprus; 2 Considers the declaration referred to above as legally invalid and calls for its withdrawal; 7 Calls upon all states not to recognise any Cypriot State other than the Republic of Cyprus.”

UN Security Council Resolution 550, 11.5.1984: “2. Condemns all secessionist actions, including the purported exchange of ambassadors between Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership, declares them illegal and invalid and calls for their immediate withdrawal; 3. Reiterates the call upon all States not to recognise the purported state of the ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ set up by secessionist acts and calls upon them not to facilitate or in any way assist the aforesaid secessionist entity”.

In concluding, I would like to reaffirm that the Greek Cypriot side is fully committed to a peaceful solution of the Cyprus problem, based on the UN resolutions and the European legal order, for a federal, bizonal, bicommunal state with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship. Despite this generous compromise formula, the Turkish Cypriot leadership, on instructions from Ankara, wants nothing else, but the unacceptable “legitimisation’’ of the “fait accomplis” on the ground.

We urge, therefore, Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership to come to terms with international legality. A negotiated and just solution of the Cyprus problem, in line with UN resolutions and European Legal Order, will benefit everybody involved, including Turkey itself. No handicaps to its European aspirations, no questioning of its role in the region, no self-imposed isolation due to its anti- European and anachronistic practices. – Yours, etc,


Ambassador of Cyprus,

Lower Leeson Street,

Dublin 2.