Disappearing arts venues

Madam, - I find it amazing that there have not been more protests at the demise of so many artistic and cultural venues in Dublin…

Madam, - I find it amazing that there have not been more protests at the demise of so many artistic and cultural venues in Dublin's city centre.

Not so long ago we had the City Arts Centre on Moss Street, which has been acquired for redevelopment. Then came the disappearance of Arthouse in Temple Bar, a brave adventure in digital art.

Last year the Bank of Ireland withdrew the sponsorship of its arts centre in Foster, leaving many artists, writers and performers without a platform.

Now it looks like Andrew's Lane Theatre is to join the shameful list.


All the above are in the city centre, near the country's main tourist office.

What kind of message is this cash-rich, culture-poor society sending to our many visitors, not to mention to our own citizens.

Another which could be added to the above list is the Dublin Civic Museum, closed for some years now. Maybe the Corporation could revamp and reopen the building.

Its location is ideally suited to go some way towards addressing the city centre's cultural deficit. - Yours, etc,

JIMMY BURNS, Clonard Drive, Sandyford Road,  Dublin 16.