Sir, - Decommissioning and entry into all inclusive talks continue to dominate the political debate

Sir, - Decommissioning and entry into all inclusive talks continue to dominate the political debate. The debate was perverted by the ending of the IRA ceasefire on top of the obfuscation of the British Government; had it not been for the restraint and political wisdom shown by the PUP and UDP we might, by now, have been experiencing an unprecedented escalation of violence.

Recommitment to ceasefire by the IRA seems unlikely, short of assurance that Sinn Fein will then gain rapid entry into the talks process. The latter prospect is distasteful to many people. Nevertheless, if we are to stop killing each other once and for all we have little choice other than to come to terms with unpalatable realities. in the hope of encouraging constructive discussion on these contentious issues, we would urge the following: -

Support for the setting up of a neutral decommissioning agency with the full backing of the governments of Canada and the US, the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the European Union to oversee and regulate a decommissioning strategy;

Assurance to Sinn Fein concerning rapid inclusion into the talks process provided there has been a declaration of ceasefire by, the IRA, such declaration being reinforced this time by signed up commitment to no first strike;


The initiation of this strategy through identification and listing of all arms; secure storage in sealed armouries of all arms (save those given special legitimacy), and these to be guarded, in the first instance, by their owners - or agents acceptable to them - yet under the supervising authority of the neutral agency.

The neutral agency should be given right of enquiry, entry and search, provided such right is consistent with the citizen's rights under the law in general and those set out in a Bill of Rights in particular, should be located in Northern Ireland for at least five years in the first instance.

in a pamphlet Prisoners, Arms, Victims: Peace (August 1995) and other statements on decommissioning, we, have argued these points and suggested others; for instance, an outline of distinctive approaches with regard to weapons held by the military, the police, the paramilitaries and by civilians. A synopsis may be obtained on receipt of a SAE. On behalf of the New Ireland Group. - Yours, etc.,

Charlotte Street,


Co Antrim.