Debate on adoption by same-sex couples

Madam, - One basic point needs to be highlighted in the debate on same-sex adoption

Madam, - One basic point needs to be highlighted in the debate on same-sex adoption. Every human being is the result of heterosexual union, either directly or indirectly. This is not a philosophical or religious opinion but a matter of simple scientific fact.

The same-sex lobby is asserting a "right" regarding adoption which takes no cognisance of this obvious reality. Since the sexual activities of same-sex couples have nothing to do with procreation what exactly is the basis of this supposed right? Why is society obliged to confer on any particular group a privilege which would be quite literally unnatural for them? Any comparison between the tragedy of infertility and situation of same-sex couples is a grotesque distortion of reality.

Those same-sex couples who do adopt or conceive children through modern reproductive technology bring these children into a situation in which they are denied what must be regarded as an obvious, basic and natural need and right - that of having a father and mother.

While homosexual people are rightly regarded as equal citizens in the State, same-sex couples need to face the fact that they are not equal to heterosexual couples with regard to procreation and the ability to provide the balanced nurture of a father and mother that best serves each child. And society needs to ensure that children placed in the care of the State receive the best care possible, that of a loving father and mother. - Yours, etc,


IAN KENNEDY, Tramore, Co Waterford.