Debate On Abortion

Sir, - Medb Ruane's articles get stranger

Sir, - Medb Ruane's articles get stranger. Seemingly it's politically correct to eschew the teaching of the Catholic Church and put your faith in non-governmental family planning clinics/agencies. It's OK for International Planned Parenthood to plough in funds to promote abortion but not acceptable for Human Life International to fund a pro-life campaign.

How can a journalist in good standing write: "People began to tell non-governmental family planning agencies their fears of being reported to the local priest?" What people? To the local priest, no less! What might he do?

What is "unregulated capitalism"? Have we the regulated kind? With the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

"Devaluing reproductive rights [rights to abortion without restriction] automatically devalues the status of women." In what way? By encouraging them to look on motherhood as the greatest gift there is?


Ms Ruane refers to the denial involved in the Holocaust and this certainly applies to abortion. She seeks to convince us that there is something good in early abortions but late ones are probably suspect. I wonder if anyone sought to portray the killing of Jews, Catholics, etc., as benefiting mankind? I think they did - just as some people now try to convince us that abortion is a right that should be introduced into Ireland. It is often said that we do not learn from history. In this instance, it certainly seems so. - Yours, etc.

Mrs Mary Stewart, Ardeskin, Donegal Town.