Curbing Burren's 'mini-dolmens'

Madam, – Regarding Gordon Deegan’s report (“Burren’s mini-dolmen trend criticised”, October 1st)

Madam, – Regarding Gordon Deegan’s report (“Burren’s mini-dolmen trend criticised”, October 1st). It has been a number of years since I visited the Burren, and even longer since I visited the pyramids of Mexico, yet I remember both very well. My guide on the pyramid expedition stressed that strict laws prevent so much as a pebble being moved or removed from this historic site, explaining that tourists have the urge “to take a souvenir with them” and thus disrupt the area, albeit in a relatively mischievous, innocent way.

As most of the Burren is private property, I can’t imagine how signage might be applied throughout the Burren to forbid visitors from picking flowers or disrupting stones (to create mini-dolmens, or works of stone art). But so much effort has already gone into preserving the Burren as a national treasure that it might be worth a bit more to prevent this sort of vandalism (as inadvertent as it may be). – Yours, etc,


(Member of original Burren

Action Group),

Kinsale, Co Cork.