Cult of the suicide killer

Madam, - The cult of the suicide killer is being frantically researched at the moment but no-one has taken even a passing glance…

Madam, - The cult of the suicide killer is being frantically researched at the moment but no-one has taken even a passing glance at "Judges", the seventh book of the Bible, where we read of Samson, the hero of Juda, who on one occasion, slew a thousand Philistines and was rewarded by the Lord with a miraculous source of water which issued from the jawbone of the ass.

However, the most interesting part of the story is to be found in Chapter 16, verses 28-30: "O my God that I may revenge myself on my enemies, and for the loss of my two eyes I may take one revenge. And laying hold on both the pillars of which the houses rested, he said: let me die with the Philistines. . . and he killed many more at his death then he had killed before in his life." A hero? - Yours, etc,

OLIVER DEVIN, Killiney, Co Dublin.