Conscience and the church

Madam, - The heated argument on your Letters page between Dr Vincent Twomey and Dr Sean Fagan is hardly the right way in which…

Madam, - The heated argument on your Letters page between Dr Vincent Twomey and Dr Sean Fagan is hardly the right way in which to discuss the subtleties of moral theology. However, I can understand the irritation of Dr Fagan, who has spent a lifetime clarifying the nature of conscience, along with many other professional moral theologians. Dr Twomey seems to undercut the basic principles of moral theology.

On one point at least, Dr Twomey seems to be factually incorrect. He says that "the Church did not officially teach that slavery was 'no sin at all'." However, the Holy Office formally taught in 1866 the following: "Slavery itself. . .is not at all contrary to the natural and divine law...The purchaser [of the slave] should carefully examine whether the slave who is put up for sale has been justly or unjustly deprived of his liberty, and that the vendor should do nothing which might endanger the life, virtue, or Catholic faith of the slave."

- Yours, etc,

Rev JOSEPH S. O'LEARY DD, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.