Concrete barriers on scenic Kerry road

Madam, - On a recent trip to Kerry we assumed the concrete barriers along the road between Waterville and Derrynane were temporary…

Madam, - On a recent trip to Kerry we assumed the concrete barriers along the road between Waterville and Derrynane were temporary. However, it seems from Frank McDonald's report in your edition of October 31st that they are to be a permanent feature of this part of the coast.

The drive between Waterville and Sneem is among the most scenic in Ireland and the stone walls along the road edge are an intrinsic element in the landscape, representing important aspects of both our cultural and built heritage.

Any works along this road must be carried out with the utmost sensitivity to preserve this rich heritage for future generations and for the many tourists like ourselves who share the beauty of our island.

We would implore Kerry County Council to think creatively and find a solution that balances road safety with the protection and preservation of our heritage. - Yours, etc,


E. COMPTON, Castlehill Road, Belfast.