Church and The Da Vinci Code

Madam, - Rev Angus Stewart (May 23rd) devotes six paragraphs to debunking "facts" in The Da Vinci Code

Madam, - Rev Angus Stewart (May 23rd) devotes six paragraphs to debunking "facts" in The Da Vinci Code. I watched the movie at the weekend and enjoyed it, but I feel Rev Stewart's efforts were entirely unnecessary.

After watching Star Wars I didn't need anyone to tell me that the events depicted didn't actually occur a long time ago in a galaxy far away. - Yours, etc,


Clones Road,




Madam, - Having recently seen The Da Vinci Code and also having previously read the book, I think the controversy surrounding the film is completely unnecessary. What Ron Howard attempts to do in his cinema adaptation is merely give an accurate account of what Dan Brown fictionalised in his novel. The Catholic Church has damned the book as being "completely untrue", but if that is the case, why go to such lengths to condemn it, knowing this will only generate more hype?

The real issue here is not whether Jesus Christ actually had a child with Mary Magdalen, but what people themselves choose to believe; nothing else matters. I thought the film was quite well made and very entertaining as a work of fiction - and that is how it should be considered. - Yours, etc,




Co Cork.