Christmas is on the cards

Sir, – I support Amy O'Connor's plea to continue the tradition of sending Christmas cards ("Put away the phone, pick up your pen and send a card", Life, December 1st). I have just despatched over a hundred of them, although it has become an increasingly expensive tradition to maintain. In most cases the card is now cheaper than the stamp.

However, I find nothing “quirky or quintessentially Irish” about the cards illustrated in her piece, particularly the one that has Santa exclaiming, “Ah Jaysus, it’s Christmas again!” A bit of respect, please.

After all, it is Christmas again. – Yours, etc,




Co Galway.

Sir, – Amy O’Connor’s case for the pen in place of the phone gives weight to the view that written correspondence is creative, visual and tactile.

A dear elderly neighbour used to take me on a guided tour of the Christmas cards on her mantelpiece each year.

In her view, the cards conveyed not just seasonal greetings, but the aesthetic virtues of the sender’s discernment and taste.

They also reflected, particularly in the written message, the regard and consideration that the sender had for her.

The Christmas card was, she said, “a window on the soul”. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.