Sir, - The most important practical step that can be taken in the peace process, is the implementation of a policy to promote…

Sir, - The most important practical step that can be taken in the peace process, is the implementation of a policy to promote non violent political and social change. Such a policy will ensure the creation of an environment for change within which meaningful political progress can take place and the overwhelming desire for peace can be realised.

The Natural Law Party proposes the establishment of a coherence creating group to act as the catalyst for change in Northern Ireland. A group of yogic flyers acting as a catalyst from the level of the unified field of natural law, will guarantee the smooth and evolutionary progression of collective life so that violent transformations and upheavals are avoided, and the peaceful evolution of society becomes a permanent reality. When coherence is enlivened in collective consciousness, differences will cease to dominate society - differences of culture and history will not be a barrier to the balanced evolution of political and social structures.

Over 40 research studies have demonstrated that a technology of consciousness exists which is capable of neutralising stress and creating a coherent, orderly and positive collective consciousness i.e., acting as a catalyst for change by reducing the barriers separating different political and social groups.

The scientific research indicates that this could be achieved by establishing a professional group of 1,000 people practising transcendental mediation and yogic flying in one location, in Ireland, on a permanent daily basis. The success of this unique approach to resolving social tension and conflict has been amply demonstrated worldwide, e.g., in the Middle East, where an international peace project resulted in a cry significant conflict resolution, details of which were published in the prestigious Journal of Conflict Resolution in December 1988; in Mozambique, where in the two years since its implementation by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, the country has turned from a state of prolonged armed conflict to being one of the most peaceful and progressive nations in Africa; in the Middle East, where a national demonstration project in Washington DC reduced violent crime by 20 per cent and significantly improved governmental effectiveness; in Britain, where a project in the Merseyside metropolitan area reduced crime by 60 per cent compared to national trends over a five year period.


This knowledge has been available for years. It has been theoretically analysed and matched with the most advanced knowledge in all scientific fields. It has been applied and validated many times in practice. We welcome the opportunity to present this knowledge, for critical evaluation and review, to politicians, policy makers, academics and any others concerned with the peace process.

We suggest that the Irish Government should undertake to establish a coherence creating group; in so doing they will not only create a catalyst for change in Northern Ireland but will also nourish their own administration, because it is the quality of the collective consciousness of Ireland that determines the quality of administration. - Yours, etc.,

Regional Directors of the

Natural Law Party,

Cardinal Court,

