Canine fashion – a bone of contention

Sir, – I was bemused and disappointed to see the article "Lucky pup: How to dress up your dog this Christmas" (Magazine, November 28th).

It is irresponsible of The Irish Times to encourage the ludicrous craze of pet owners “dressing up” pets for their own gratification.

This inane survey of pointless accessories notably makes no reference to animal welfare. Whatever about dog jackets, I hope it is less controversial to suggest we shouldn’t be fitting elaborate headpieces on domestic animals.

Even if the issue of animal wellbeing is not a concern to you, it is surely in bad taste to publish an article about cats and dogs sporting cashmere scarves, silk wraps and “Philip Treacy-inspired hats” at a time when many people are suffering the economic impact of the pandemic and will be struggling to afford a normal Christmas. – Yours, etc,


