Bringing charity home

Madam, – I share Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power’s observations that taxpayer- funded overseas development…

Madam, – I share Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power’s observations that taxpayer- funded overseas development aid (ODA) projects are not receiving his desired media coverage (Home News, March 26th). With an ODA budget in excess of €600 million of Irish taxpayers’ money at his disposal, might I suggest the following.

If he wants to focus on the world hunger crisis, he might start locally and fund breakfasts for those Irish children who go to school with empty stomachs and those who go to bed hungry each night. He might extend fresh consideration towards Irish children with special needs who are denied basic developmental therapies and independent educational supports. He would not have to look to far to solve a funding need of any Irish charity working with the thousands of Irish people in need.

Should he wish to identify with a syndrome to champion, let him find past, present and future generations of Irish citizens with Down syndrome who are held hostage, by the State, denied speech therapy, occupational therapy, and whose future independence is presently under threat by the removal of special needs assistants (SNAs), in Irish schools. Should he wish to fund clinics, why not a cervical cancer clinic for young Irish teenage girls?

If it is media coverage he craves for his gallant efforts, he should bring charity home to where it belongs and where charity should begin. Perhaps then his media coverage issues would be rewarded. – Yours, etc,


Offington Drive,

Sutton, Dublin 13.