Brexit – the long and winding road

Sir, – The outbreak of singing in the Houses of Commons draws attention to an interesting fact about Brexit. It lacks a song. Every great movement, for good or ill, has at least one good song associated with it. The French revolutionaries had the Marseillaise, the Glorious Revolution had Lillibullero, and all of our rebellions had multiple great songs. So come on all ye bauld Brexiteers, let’s put this madness to music! – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.


Sir, – While there is talk of a Canada-plus deal for the UK, maybe it’s time to consider a Greenland-plus deal in reverse for the North.

Greenland, the largest island in the world, and an autonomous territory within the kingdom of EU member Denmark, voted itself out of the European Union in 1985 but the small population of the huge land mass still has access to the EU with “special case” status.

If the UK leaves the EU, the North, an autonomous territory of the United Kingdom, could receive “special case” status with full access to the EU. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 14.

Sir, – The British prime minister, during his visit, had the temerity to speak of statecraft, while merely displaying a very tatty form of stagecraft. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – I note that breakfast at Government Buildings during Boris Johnson’s visit to Dublin included fresh orange juice. I do hope the prime minister enjoyed it, as fresh anything may be in short supply if the UK stumbles out of the EU on October 31st with no deal. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – I don’t know about his dexterity in the art of “statecraft”, but when it comes to boxing clever, Boris Johnson’s political ringcraft leaves a lot to be desired. As things stand, he’s clearly on the ropes and in very real danger of succumbing to a knockout punch from a light-footed, fast-thinking pugilistic Jeremy Corbyn. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – James Fox writes of his concern (Letters, September 10th) that there is a narrative in the Irish and UK media, that those who voted for Brexit were either “crazy or stupid”.

Living in the UK, I absolutely disagree, as most of the written media, in particular, is predominately pro-Brexit. Even the previously revered BBC is accused of pro-Brexit bias.

However, if that were the narrative in the UK media, it wouldn’t be very far wrong. Substitute uneducated for “crazy” and lied to for “stupid”, and you would be closer to the truth. The problems in the UK are complex. What they are not, though, is the fault of the EU. – Yours, etc,




A chara, – I feel I am overcome with Brexhaustion. – Is mise,



Dublin 6.