Brexit and a second referendum

Sir, – Jeremy Corbyn says a second Brexit referendum could be "a healing process" that might bring "this whole process to a conclusion" (World News, May 9th).

It is potentially a huge and pivotal moment that brings a people’s vote almost within touching distance.

Mr Corbyn has shown dogged determination in his focused approach to the seemingly interminable Brexit saga.

If he had prematurely committed Labour to backing a second vote, it could easily have back-fired, putting vital wind in the sails of a right-wing Tory hard EU departure.


The Labour leader says negotiations with Theresa May’s “government have been difficult because the government is in some degree of disarray itself”.

However, most reasonable observers and, crucially, impartial swing voters know that Mrs May’s disintegrating administration is largely responsible for the UK’s current sorry mess.

In contrast, Mr Corbyn’s prudent long-term Brexit strategy appears to be steadily working, holding Labour mostly together while moving his party carefully towards embracing the option of a further referendum.

Sadly, I doubt he’ll get much credit from his many critics in the media and elsewhere if, as now seems increasingly likely, another vote happens. – Yours, etc,


Arbour Hill,

Dublin 7.

Sir, – Simon Coveney is urging, in suitably earnest tones, that the two major political parties in the United Kingdom come together and find a compromise over Brexit, as the two parties in Ireland have come together to maintain the national interest over the same issue.

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are very sympathetic to the EU. Both parties now represent the same class interest. Why wouldn’t they agree?

It is nice to hear an Irish Minister patronising the Brits, even if he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. – Yours, etc,



Mount Brown,

Dublin 8.