Blocking out mobile phones

Madam, - Jamie Smyth (June 23rd) refers to a new plan being considered by Mr John Doherty, the communications regulator, for …

Madam, - Jamie Smyth (June 23rd) refers to a new plan being considered by Mr John Doherty, the communications regulator, for blocking of mobile phones in certain public places. Mr Doherty should know that he has my full support and I feel sure the support of hundreds more to block the use of mobile phones in hospitals, prisons, cinemas, theatres, concert halls, etc..

Once again we were embarrassed in the Gate Theatre last Sunday during the closing event of the Dublin Writers' Festival when a mobile phone rang not once but twice during Tracy Chevalier's reading. Where in the world would this author be subjected to such an insult? Thanks to a member of the Gate staff, when the mobile rang for the second time she approached the culprit and asked him to leave the auditorium. Ms Chevalier waited for his departure and continued with her reading. - Yours, etc.,

URSULA HOUGH-GORMLEY Ormond Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.