Sir. While the recent controversy surrounding Councillor Kenneally's "shotguns at the ready" remark displays widespread anti …

Sir. While the recent controversy surrounding Councillor Kenneally's "shotguns at the ready" remark displays widespread anti traveller Feeling in rural areas, it also displays a general lack of ability on the part of leading politicians and the media to entertain or engage in any discussion which involves criticism of this community. Individuals who are critical of the travelling community are usually pilloried as bigots whose opinions have no basis other than simple prejudice..

Instead of trying to investigate the case behind their arguments, it is assumed that none exists. Just because an argument is not politically correct does not mean that it is unfounded or wrong. There is not necessarily anything wrong with disliking specific groups in society, e.g., Nazis and drug dealer; it only makes one a bigot if one does not have a good enough reason for it.

While it is more difficult to show why views we find reprehensible are flawed than it is to lampoon those who hold them it is worth the trouble. We all know that there are two sides to every story; a Conclusion based solely on one side convinces no one, and in this case does nothing to change the settled community's views of travellers. Yours, etc.,

Pembroke Road


Dublin 4.