Bias against working mothers

A chara, - Mary Maher (November 10th) is quite right in her advice to working mothers to get the correct information and act…

A chara, - Mary Maher (November 10th) is quite right in her advice to working mothers to get the correct information and act on it. Legislation does indeed exist which is intended to protect mothers from inequality in the workplace.

However, employers are well informed by Government and employers' bodies about the same legislation - so well informed that no mention of the real reasons for isolation or demotion ("Are you planning on having more children?") would ever escape their lips.

It is not possible to act upon a perceived bias. The onus is on the working mother to prove that genuine inequality has taken place. Speaking from experience, there aren't enough hours in the day. - Is mise,

ROSEANNE SMITH, Bóthar an Chlochair, Cromghlinn, Baile Átha Cliath 12.