Better to travel in hope

Sir, – I was very disappointed that your Magazine (May 16th) had no travel section. The media is wall-to-wall Covid-19. I’m fed up with it. The ongoing talk of government formation isn’t helping either. Perhaps a section highlighting a different county each week for “staycations” or chefs recalling their favourite Irish restaurant would help. Please give us something to dream about. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – There is not a town or village in this country that has not something to offer the holidaymaker. We have beaches, mountains, lakes and rivers. We have ancient monastic ruins, beautiful high crosses, and plenty of old castles and houses. There are small museums and interpretative centres scattered hither and yon. Now is the time to teach our children and grandchildren about our heritage.

This plan would require hotels, guest houses, camping sites, and caravan sites to work with Fáilte Ireland to make the cost of staying in such places affordable to all.

Do not expect fine weather, but from my experience the loveliest months of the year can be August and September, with the lovely smell and colours of autumn, and usually the weather is warm enough to be still wearing summer clothes! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.

Sir, – I had a dream that, in addition to our greenways, the whole of Ireland would be covered by a network of super-cycleways, going north, south, east and west. Long-distance cyclists would revel in their freedom and safety away from vehicular traffic, while less fit people could travel on electric bikes from Dublin to Galway within a day or to Kilkenny for lunch. Families could cycle to Donegal, Connemara, Cork and Kerry for their holidays, branching off to towns and villages for rest and refreshment.

There would also be hostels and service areas along the way. It would help tourism and reduce our carbon emissions, even if there might be the odd wet and windy day! – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.