Besmirching the Burren

Madam. - As I walk the lanes and byways of the Burren, once again witnessing the profusion of litter - crisp bags, plastic and…

Madam. - As I walk the lanes and byways of the Burren, once again witnessing the profusion of litter - crisp bags, plastic and glass bottles, beer and soft-drink tins - scattered all about, lining roadsides and budding hedges, two things come to mind. Spring must be close at hand; and the lesser-spotted litter-bug has awoken from his winter hibernation and seems as determined as ever to leave his ignorant markings on the landscape.

When will the no-litter message get through to those who continue wantonly to dump their waste and pollute our beautiful countryside? - Yours, etc,

P.J. CURTIS, Kilnaboy, Ennis, Co Clare.