Sir, - In connection with the recent sexual harassment case involving two teachers, may I again underline the importance of Relationships Education?

For example: A few years ago I was giving the first session of a day's course to a group of 15-16 year old boys. Early in the session I asked, "Could a window be opened, please?" Not a move. I waited.

Guffaws and mutters. "Go on, John. . ." "Moggo, do what the woman asked. " "Open the f------ window," etc. I waited. Eventually, to cheers and jeers, one boy opened the window. I waited.


When they had quietened down, I said: "The first thing we are going to do is discuss together what has just happened and why."

It is essential that students learn to reflect and think through their own behaviour, share their feelings and discover the importance of acting independently and thoughtfully.

I believe that this is an important aspect of how behaviour such as bullying, harassment and peer pressure need to be addressed from primary school onwards. It includes the capacity to listen to other people with respect. - Yours, etc.,

ANGELA MACNAMARA, Lower Kilmacud Road, Dublin 14.