Barbarism of the bullring

Madam, - Don Mullen's harrowing account of the barbarism that is bullfighting was a necessary warning to unsuspecting tourists…

Madam, - Don Mullen's harrowing account of the barbarism that is bullfighting was a necessary warning to unsuspecting tourists to Spain not to support this sickening cruelty (Opinion Analysis, August 16th). The European Union not only turns a blind eye to this disgusting torture — it actually funds it with millions of euro in subsidies, as does the Spanish government, even though over 70 per cent of Spaniards are not interested in bullfighting, according to a recent poll.

Shockingly and shamefully, in early June of this year the EU allowed the bullfighters into the European Parliament in Brussels to set up an exhibition. For two days they occupied a large circular space in which they recreated a bullring with scenes of bullfights and cheering crowds adorning the walls, while they wined and dined parliamentarians and their own supporters who travelled from Spain.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the parliament building a harrowing video of bullfighting that I could hardly bear to look at was being shown to an international group of anti-bullfighting campaigners, including the Irish Council Against Blood Sports. There were precious few parliamentarians in attendance, apart from a committed few.

Here at home, despite repeated pleas, bookmaker Paddy Power continues to take grotesque bets on the number of ears that are cut off bulls after the torture sessions! - Yours, etc,




Irish Council Against Blood Sports,


Co Westmeath.