Attitudes to immigrants

Madam, - Against the background of the proposal by a Drogheda Fianna Fáil councillor that some foreign nationals be paid less…

Madam, - Against the background of the proposal by a Drogheda Fianna Fáil councillor that some foreign nationals be paid less than indigenous employees, I had an instructive experience in a Dundrum Town Centre restaurant this week. In the course of being seated, partaking of the meal, and settling the bill, I encountered four staff members - one Irish, and three foreigners.

While admitting that I do find limited English a little frustrating, I found the foreigners anxious to be of service, smiling, and full of personality. Suffice to say that the Irish person did not tick any of those boxes for me.

Perhaps foreign nationals should be paid more? - Yours, etc,

OLIVER McGRANE, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.