Attitudes to America

Madam, - It is so difficult to maintain positive feelings towards today's America.

Madam, - It is so difficult to maintain positive feelings towards today's America.

Military tribunals in Guantanamo fly in the face of any concept of transparent justice while "waterboarding" is redefined and does not constitute torture.

But, worst of all, the Governor of California, facing a threat to his re-election from the right wing of his party, turns his attention to Death Row.

After 19 years, one victim watches for 12 minutes while civil servants push and prod to insert a lethal needle. After 23 years, a deaf and blind man of 76 is taken in his wheelchair to the death chamber.


If Arnold Schwarzenegger played on film the part he is now playing in the Governor's Mansion in Sacramento it would be given an X-rating by any rational critic. In real life it will probably gain him applause and votes.

Of course, "an eye for an eye" is just a few pages away from the verses which, as we all know, prove that the universe was created 5,000 years ago! It really is difficult. - Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.