At the end of the M1

Madam, - For the driver, entering Dublin via the M1 and north inner city is a grim experience

Madam, - For the driver, entering Dublin via the M1 and north inner city is a grim experience. Glittering motorway gives way to a confused mess of traffic, narrow streets and acrid pollution which must make cycling and walking intolerable. Luas trams compete with your car and if you are unlucky may wipe your vehicle from the carriageway. The roads are badly surfaced and littered as a result of the ever-present car (including my own) which renders cleansing and surfacing impossible.

Like many readers, I would have gladly left my vehicle at a large Park and Ride area at the end of the M1 and taken my pick of a comfortable seat on a Dublin Bus, Luas, or maybe a new Metro and dreamily gazed out of the window as we pass effortlessly down uncongested, clean thoroughfares. Sadly, however, my musings and yours seem to be of the pipe dream variety. For the moment we must make do with the nightmare. - Yours, etc,

JAMES LEONARD, South Promenade, Newcastle, Co Down.