Are parks for people – or dogs?

Sir, – Joe O’Brien (July 26th) has re-ignited an important debate over the control of dogs in public places.

Our ongoing research indicates while the number of cases of toxocara (blindness contracted from dog faeces) is uncommon in Ireland, serious dog-related injuries, particularly to young children, are not.  In addition, many  public spaces are intimidating for children and those afraid of dogs , due to the inconsideration of owners .

I am astounded to see the tolerance and ignorance, despite well-reported maulings and obvious significant numbers of injuries presenting to our health services,  that allows unleashed and often dangerous animals intimidate children and others in public places. Are our parks and beaches  for people or dogs first and foremost ? – Yours, etc,



Consultant Physician,

Thorncliffe Park,

Rathgar, Dublin 6.