Abolishing the Seanad

Sir, – It surprises me greatly more people are not as concerned as I am about An Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s plan to abolish the Seanad. I think the Seanad is in need of reform, but so to is the Dail. Before we allow anything to happens to our upper house, first and foremost the Dail should be reformed and more power divested to local authorities. Then, and only then should the Seanad be reformed, or abolished, if that is the will of the people.

To concentrate so much power in the hands of so few people or the Taoiseach, is alarming to say the least. Just imagine what legislation, not just this government, but all future governments, will be able to rush through the Dáil unimpeded. This Fine Gael/Labour Government also seems to use the guillotine to truncate debate and force through its legislation more than any previous government.

To quote Michael McDowell, “This is a power grab”, plain and simple; and it will weaken our democracy. The people of Ireland, should be terrified of what this bill, if passed, will allow any future government to do. – Yours, etc,



Brian Road,

Marino, Dublin 3.