A stand against racism

Sir, – It is regrettable that the Alliance Party MLA Anna Lo has been subjected to a flood of racist insults over comments she made in regard to the flying of flags and displays of sectarian murals during the forthcoming Giro d’Italia cycle race in Northern Ireland. It is further regrettable, but not surprising, that some senior members of the DUP were not more supportive of the views expressed by the PSNI and the Alliance Party at the comments directed at Ms Lo.

Italian race supporters considering waving their national flag in support of their team should be advised to exercise caution. In 2012 leading NI victims campaigner Willie Fraser branded a school in Donaghmore, Co Tyrone as “the junior headquarters of SF/IRA” and “an IRA training ground” having mistaken an Italian flag flying outside the building for an Irish Tricolour. – Yours, etc,


Templeville Road,


Dublin 6W.

Sir, – Alliance MLA Anna Lo has worked hard for all her constituents and other people throughout Northern Ireland regardless of race, religion or political allegiances. She has always taken a stand against racism and sectarianism and it is extremely sad that she herself is the subject of racist abuse.

We will never have peace until we have a real shared society for everyone. To say that paramilitary murals and symbols should be retained as they attract tourists to Northern Ireland is a strange way to enhance tourism. We should not glorify the dreadful deeds done by paramilitaries and should feel shame if people coming from overseas regard this as what defines our country and makes it worth visiting.

I want tourists to come here to enjoy our beautiful countryside and the friendliness of most of the people without having to confront sectarian and racist symbols. – Yours, etc,


Cairnshill Avenue, Belfast.