A monument to Haughey

Madam, - Honest, hard-working taxpayers paid for the development of Dingle Harbour

Madam, - Honest, hard-working taxpayers paid for the development of Dingle Harbour. The money was provided at a time when citizens struggled under what can only be described as a penal tax regime. Nevertheless, I'm sure few of them would begrudge the people of Dingle and in particular the local fishermen, their impressive facilities.

Many, however, will feel insulted and betrayed after witnessing the unveiling of a monument to Charles Haughey in honour of his alleged contribution to the town. Despite being a major tax cheat, Mr Haughey was undoubtedly adept at fooling many into believing he was an honest citizen.

That people continue to be fooled can be seen from the current campaign to rehabilitate Mr Haughey's legacy, spearheaded by his most loyal student, Bertie Ahern, who recently claimed that Mr Haughey will be remembered as "a wonderful man".

William Shakespeare, a man Mr Haughey is fond of quoting, got it about right when he said, "No legacy is so rich as honesty". - Yours, etc.