A leaky Government

Sir, – I have to disagree with the Minister in your headline "Government has a problem with leaking, admits Stephen Donnelly" (News, September 17th). The Government actually has a problem in dealing with leaking.

A leak is one of the most insidious things that can happen anywhere. It will slowly but very surely ruin and destroy everything around it, even down to the very foundations.

The Government now needs a courageous plumber, one who is prepared to get a little wet and dirty in the process of getting in and fixing the leak permanently. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.

Sir, – The difference between a water leak and a political leak is that in the first instance one sends for a plumber while in the second instance one sends for a commission of inquiry .

Experience has shown that whatever chance the plumber has of identifying the water leak, the commission of inquiry has absolutely no chance of identifying the political leak. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.