A fair price for water

Sir, – In recent days it has come to light that our Government plans to charge citizens even more than originally anticipated for household water usage. The ensuing discussion has largely been dominated by the price, and there remains little commentary on the product: water. Eskimos surely wouldn’t be as caught up in the price of a cubic meter of ice.

Though the rate varies dramatically between regions, Ireland receives on average more than 1,000mm of rain per year, which equates to 1,000 litres per square metre. The roof of my parents’ house measures about 80 square metres. At an estimate, about 80,000 litres of rain fall on the house per year. While the water may not be potable, and the once-off cost of a harvesting mechanism might be significant, it could be used for bathing and handling waste.

Eighty thousand litres at the rate of €4.88/1,000L, is €390 or so. Money might not grow on trees, but with the right set-up it could fall from the sky.– Yours, etc,



35 Shrewbury Road,

Dublin 18