Clerical Garb

Sir, - You are to be congratulated for the lively debate on this topical subject

Sir, - You are to be congratulated for the lively debate on this topical subject. Father Pat Deighan claims the high ground, seemingly without fear of censure from his superiors, and has suddenly convinced me that for years I have been taking as gospel the utterings of a bunch of old humbugs in gorgeous girdles. I also infer from Thinking Anew of August 26th that the caprice and cranky caperings in the classroom of the Christian Brothers, who kept us all on the hop years ago, owe much to the tightness of their collars. What pain could have been averted by an extra quarter of an inch!

There is obviously a strong tide running in favour of clerics in mufti, but why stop there? Why not go totus porcus and confine to Father Pat's "Goodly bonfire" the statuary and other embellishments found in churches? Indeed I can almost detect the dawning of a new Puritan age in the sentiments so far expressed by some of your correspondents. Ireland exported scholarship during the golden age of learning. Will she define the path of enlightenment once more with Father Pat in the van ably supported by the jovial Father Sean? After all, the trappings and trimmings were few at the Mass-Rock in the glen. - Yours, etc.,

W. V. Gorman, Amherst Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England.