Youth who looted in Dublin riot seeks asylum

A Georgian teenager who took part in looting during the riots that broke out at the "Love Ulster" rally in Dublin in February…

A Georgian teenager who took part in looting during the riots that broke out at the "Love Ulster" rally in Dublin in February is seeking asylum status in the Republic, a court heard yesterday.

The 17-year-old youth, who has been in Ireland since last September without parents, had pleaded guilty at the Dublin Children's Court to trespassing on the Schuh shop on O'Connell Street, with intent to commit a theft on February 25th last. He also admitted possessing a set of pliers for use in a connection with a theft offence. Judge Bryan Smyth remanded him on bail until October pending a pre-sentence Probation and Welfare Service report. He was told that the youth had been refused asylum status previously but would be appealing that decision at a hearing of his case next week.

Garda Brian Quirke of the Bridewell station had said earlier that "during the Dublin city riots the front of the premises had been smashed by other people. The accused entered on two occasions and took shoes and bags". The youth, who is residing in hostel accommodation, was arrested as he tried to leave the shop a second time. Garda Quirke said the youth had no previous convictions.

The court also heard he had developed a heroin addiction after coming to Ireland.