Young FG calls for Harney resignation

The Young Fine Gael (YFG) group has passed an emergency motion called for the resignation of Minister for Health Mary Harney …

The Young Fine Gael (YFG) group has passed an emergency motion called for the resignation of Minister for Health Mary Harney and the chief executive of the HSE Prof Brendan Drumm.

The motion was passed at the group's 22nd national conference in Maynooth today.

The motion tabled by the Cork North West branch called for their resignation in light of the misdiagnosis of breast cancer tests at Midland Regional Hospital in Portlaoise.

YFG president, Elizabeth Munnelly said: "The Minister maintains she is not to blame for this scandalous situation as she did not misdiagnose the patients. The fact that she was unaware of the situation until this week's Oireachtas Committee shows how disconnected she is."