British royals, royal watchers await new arrival

‘I hope by the end of the week he or she will be there’

Watchers of the British royal family are on tenterhooks awaiting the arrival of the next heir to the throne.

With William and Kate’s first child expected in “mid-July” the Duchess of Cornwall , Camilla, said they were expecting an arrival at the “end of the week”.

Visiting the Little Harbour Children’s Hospital near St Austell, Cornwall, Camilla hinted that no-one is more caught up in the mood of expectation than the royals themselves.

In an exchange caught on camera by ITV, she said: “We don’t know what’s going to happen. We’re all waiting at the end of a telephone.


“I hope by the end of the week he or she will be there.”

Reporters, photographers and cameramen from across the globe, have been camped outside the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in London since the start of the month.