Ashya King to begin treatment in Czech clinic

Five-year-old brain tumour patient expected to receive proton-beam therapy

Ashya King will make his first visit today to the Czech clinic where he is expected to receive the treatment that prompted the legal wrangle over his care.

The five-year-old brain tumour patient has been flown to Prague from Spain after leaving the Materno Infantil hospital in Malaga in Spain, where he has been treated since his parents were arrested more than a week ago.

He was admitted to University Hospital Motol in the Czech capital, while his father Brett King was visiting the Proton Therapy Centre Czech (PTC) to discuss the boy’s potential proton treatment.

After arriving in the Czech Republic, Ashya’s father said they were “just so happy to be here ... This is what we wanted from the beginning. We just want the best for Ashya.”– (PA)